Thursday, January 12, 2012

Concurso literario EOI Navidad 2011 (texto ganador español para extranjeros)

Aprender en la EOI

Aprender en la EOI es aprender a vivir y descubrir que el mundo es mucho más que lo que construimos en nosotros y para nosotros mismos. Es descubrir que podemos ser varios países en uno solo. Por las historias que contamos, por las personas que conocimos y por las amistades que construimos.

Es todo día hablar y escribir sobre sueños para, más allá de las reglas gramaticales - de verbos perfectos, imperfectos y imperativos - escribir en un nuevo idioma también su propia historia, sus gustos y problemas, sus alegrías y tristezas, sus amores o no amores, vividos y experimentados en un país aún por descubrir.

Así es la aprendizaje en la EOI. Sobre todo, es ser la primera persona: Yo, pronombre personal, estoy en la EOI para aprender en una nueva lengua como decir: ¡¡España, Te amo!!

Ana Cristina Marques de Sousa (1º nivel intermedio, español)


This year, even better!

On December 21st, the teachers and students of the EOI in Cuéllar, took part in our traditional Christmas party.

As every afternoon, words were the main subject in our school. Kenny, our American assistant, explained how he lives Christmas in Florida. He mentioned “…home sweet home, Christmas tree, lights, angels, mistletoe, candies, presents, smiles, kisses, family ….” We could feel how much he missed it all.

Then, there were more words, but in that occasion to check our Christmas knowledge. There was a quiz called: Who wants to be a Millionaire? It was really stimulating and entertaining.

We ended up singing Christmas carols.

But the best was yet to come. That evening we swapped our textbooks for delicious dishes previously cooked by students who participated in the cooking contest. The members of the jury admitted finding it really difficult to choose the winners. After giving some details to all the contestants, 28, the winners were awarded with some sweets and a T-shirt with the logo of the 25th Anniversary of the School of Languages of Segovia. The winners’ names were: Laura de la Torre, Mónica del Río and Ruth García. After that, we could taste all the delicious dishes in a friendly and warm atmosphere.

And next year, even better!

Remedios Vázquez

1º Nivel Básico